
World Premiere: 11 April 2003, Southbank Centre, London
Last performance: 17 September 2004, Bozar, Brussels

This piece highlights the character and focus of the great warrior Arjuna in the epic Mahabharata. Our introduction is with ten names which portray the power and precision of Arjun, when challenged to show his marksmanship, by hitting the eye of a revolving fish. The piece leads to a dialogue with Lord Krishna at the beginning of a mighty battle between the Pandava and Kaurava armies. Krishna gives spiritual enlightenment to the reluctant warrior Arjun, to do his duty in battle. Through this dialogue Arjun realises that the true battle is for his own soul.

Concept and Choreography Gauri Sharma Tripathi
Text Mukta Trivedi

A devotional song sung by Faheem Mazhar.

Anandam (Tarana – Darbari)
Choreography Sri Pratap Pawar
Music Composition Pandit Birju Maharaj

Tarana is a musical item in which the dance syllables are set to musical notes, chosen in certain “Raag’ (Darbari) and “Tal’ (Tal – Jhaptaal), 10 Beats/ Tintal. 16 Beats.

Artistic Direction and Performance Akram Khan

Tabla Partha Sarathi Mukherjee
Vocals Faheem Mazhar
Cello Philip Sheppard
Sitar Baluji Shrivasav
Padhant Effects Andrew Obaka

Lighting Design Aideen Malone
Illur Malus Islandus
Costume Design Tony Wood
Sound Estelle Rickleton

Produced by Akram Khan Company

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